All of our technologies and services are presented within the structure and context of our relational database, Presidio, which provides us with the ability to integrate print magazine subscribers, digital subscribers, product buyers, and prospects into a consolidated database. This technology applies to both physical and email only customers and prospects.

Presidio will serve as your master list for marketing selections. It will allow you to capture and retain all of your customers, current and future, in a universal system that will be will be the foundation of your marketing, fulfillment, and reporting needs.

Presidio is made possible due to the relational structure of our system. Our relational database and the technological enhancements we have made allow us to integrate the various components of your business. This enables us to offer our services in a seamless fashion to your customers and prospects.

Presidio offers tools and features that have tremendous benefit to both you and your customers. Essentially, by combining all of your known audience into a single, unified platform, we can provide your marketing, e-commerce, fulfillment, and customer service on a consolidated system. Therefore, as the inevitable changes to industry standards and practices continue, you'll have a single source for making improvements that enable you to maintain state of the art service -- for you and your customers.